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Notthoff offers premium machining services that use the latest technology. Our expert team meets the needs of clients by specializing in large complex aluminum and hard metal monolithic components. Notthoff is dedicated to assuring the best in quality control and superior functionality. Notthoff is proud to offer their customers with the latest technology, equipment and leading supplier of Aerospace technology, equipment, and cutting-edge solutions. Notthoff provides their customers with premium aero structures and components, by exceeding customer and industry standards, we offer both high quality products and services.

•Complex 5-Axis Machined Parts

• Multi-Spindle 80” Center 5 Axis Gantries (2 Gantries - 6 Spindles)

• Articulating Head 5 Axis Vertical & Horizontal Machines up to 30,000 rpm

• Hard Metal 3, 4 & 5 Axis Machines

30000 rpm 5 Axis nutating head
Horizontal & Vertical 

5 Axis Multi-spindle 80-inch Gantries

  1. m11.png
  2. m14.png
  3. m13.png
  4. m12.png

Hard Metal 3, 4 & 5 Axis 

  1. m22.png
  2. m23.png
  3. m21 copy.png
  4. m21.png

Mill/Turn cell

  1. m22.png
  2. m23.png
  3. m21 copy.png
  4. m21.png
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